BCA Executive Consultants provides executive and organizational development consulting services to commercial, not for profit and government organizations. Our consulting mobilizes the right people, introduces the right skills and utilizes the appropriate methodologies to help organizations improve their performance.


Business Strategy & Planning Facilitation

Facilitation of a planning process, whether it be strategic, team development or alignment, or organizational planning (strategic), can be done by anyone, internal or external. Sometimes however, a third party that can watch and work from outside of internal bias provide the best opportunity for success and build in automatic ownership of those involved which in turn generates higher levels of accountability

Our role as facilitator is to create an environment where everyone can quickly move from ‘business as usual’ thinking to creatively working together on the future or toward resolution of a focused challenges.

Our processes are thorough and structured, and highly interactive. We work with our clients to develop the structure (format, agenda, etc…) that best serves the intended results.

The critical element that we help you create is the quantifiable reason for the session and the follow-on accountability and follow-up that helps it all to happen and subsequently lead to sustained change.


A facilitator can make or break the success of any planning process. No one can guarantee the success of a plan, but it is likely that without one, the full creative potential in the room won’t be tapped, which in turn means suboptimal results even with a plan!

Unless differences are dealt with carefully and openly, they can result in disagreement that will ultimately undermine the planning process and subsequently the plan. An outside facilitator can look at the organization, the leadership team, and the planning process objectively. Trained in how to keep a discussion on track while taking everyone’s concerns into consideration, an experienced facilitator can help participants leave with a feeling of stronger cohesiveness, accomplishment, and excitement about their role on the team.

Planning discussions can be difficult because of a number of factors that include:

  • Conflicting goals
  • Different visions
  • Personal agendas
  • Differing personal values
  • Deeply held beliefs about the organization and where it’s going, or should go
  • Different perspectives on the marketplace
  • Less than ideal relationships among peers
  • Knowledge about how the firm has done business in the past


As a member of an executive leadership team, you have considerable responsibility. Not only are you accountable for the success of your organization, but you are also in charge of creating a positive employee experience. The challenge is that every leadership team is different. Whether you recently formed a new team or you have been working together for 20 years, every team is made up of leaders with different experiences, motivations and worldviews.

Figuring out how to work well together can often feel overwhelming, emotional and unrealistic.  If your team struggles to resolve difficult issues or make decisions that generate real commitment, a BCA consultant will dramatically increase your effectiveness.


Every team dynamic is different. Your team experience will depend on the past, present and future state of your team. BCA will customize your team development process to address the specific needs of your executive team. Our typical engagements incorporate individual interviews and assessments, all of which play significant roles in the process and ultimately guide the overall structure development.

BCA Team Development processes help teams establish the working rhythms, processes and agreements needed to propel them to their full potential and assist the leader in maintaining those rhythms. Good teams are masters of what they do — the “so what” of their business if you may., but GREAT teams also master the “how,” which is the clear understandings about processes, core values, relationships and trust that determine what they are able to achieve.  That is what we help you develop!

Some of the regular outcomes that we achieve are:

  • The setting of a new foundation for the team consisting of an agreed upon purpose, behaviors and norms
  • Alignment of the team’s vision, strategies and goals with the organization
  • Mutual understanding of individual team members’ strengths and weaknesses
  • Increased collaboration and accountability through role identification
  • Strengthen trust and manage conflict among team members through addressing present or past barriers