At BCA, we aren’t academics, though we use information that has scientific support. We don’t focus on consulting “models” or use a lot of double-speak. In fact, as our tag line states, we value simplicity over all else. We believe that leadership is inherently simple and that it is often over complicated by others for no reason. It’s practices, concepts, applications… haven’t changed much in a couple thousand years. As a good friend of ours likes to say, “There aren’t new concepts only new authors, trying to peddle a glossy hardback using principles and techniques that look strangely familiar to what you’ve been using for 5, 10, or 25 years.”
Besides our qualifications and our experience, what we like our clients to know is that “we know our strengths and more importantly we know our limitations and we work within both to ensure success for our clients.”
If you are looking for a team that wants to share in your success then we are the right firm.
We Deliver
It’s really not rocket science!
As much as some consultants might like you to think it is, what we do is not that complex. As a matter of fact, it is usually pretty simple, just not easy. Our belief is that it is hard enough to create the kind of change we normally work to create, so why make it harder by making it complex!
We Deliver
Talk is cheap! Success requires action!
The hardest part about getting better is taking that first step. It is much easier to spend all our time “talking” about doing. We believe that talk is cheap and that action rules! Execution is the only way a plan’s success can begin to be measured!
While our approach is unique based on the client, to call what we do different or new, would be an overstatement. What separates us from others is three words – Simplicity – Results – Execution. We live by that mantra and don’t work to impress, but do impress with our work.
BCA maintains a small core group of independent consultants that each have unique strengths, but share a similar belief as it relates to how our job is to be done. Our footprint can be expanded four-fold within days as we have standing agreements in place with several other reputable, qualified and experienced firms and independent consultants.
BCA works to help organizations excavate, cut and polish the leadership capability within their organization. The diamond represents our authentic self – who we really are. We believe great transformational works always begin from the inside-out. It works at the layer of the real diamond. It’s a deep learning of self-discovery – an inner journey that brings out the best in you.
However, unlike a diamond, BCA Executive Consultants does not represent expense or require significant investment. We base our fees on the value that we KNOW we can create. That is one of the unique things about our commercial practice, there are no daily rates. While our public sector clientele require a different pricing approach, our fees still incorporate the value contribution we KNOW we can create.

Confucius says, “To become a leader, you must first become a human being”, when I think of this quote I think of Bo Carrington. His professional ethical straightforward approach allows everyone he coaches to get to a truth. He is a true partner in developing leaders within organizations.
Dolores S. | Global Director HR
I have worked with Bo for more than two years and consider him to be a game changer.
James W. | Associate Principal
[Bo’s] team has an open and diverse style that allowed them to work effectively with our teams to address a multitude of different opportunities.
Cathy S. | CEO